
  • Added

    Installation Link

    Use this URL to install the package into any organization:

    Note: If you are installing into a sandbox organization you must replace the initial portion of the URL with http://test.salesforce.com

    Please refer to the terms of service before installation.

  • Added


    (clearMDM App > Settings Tab)

    Manual Merge Settings.
    [Allow When Batch Jobs In Progress?]

    This new setting allows manual merges (during Data Stewarding) whilst MDM batch jobs are in-progress. The key use case is where batch jobs are scheduled throughout the business day (hourly matching etc.)

    Real-time MDM Settings (Blocking Key Process Settings).
    [Is Merge Activated Masters?]

    Where Master Records are activated for MDM processing, clearMDM can either synchronise the group or execute a merge operation (where additional matches may be found).